10+ Problems with Assisted Suicide

Assisted Suicide is not the solution to anything. There are just too many unspoken problems with Assisted Suicide. And while many of us might be quick to dismiss any arguments against Assisted Suicide, we may actually find that all it takes is a little clear thinking to realize that being in favor of Assisted Suicide … Read more

Are You Strong Enough?

Masculinity. Manliness. Macho. Muscles. Power. Strength. Are You Strong Enough? And very early on the first day of the week they went to the tomb when the sun had risen. And they were saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the door of the tomb?” Mark 16:2-3 Clearly, the … Read more

Manly Virtue: The Call to Greatness

The young man sat alone, anger and resentment in his eyes. An old, wise man looked on from afar. He had seen what the last minutes had wrought. The arguing. The accusations. The fallout. Both enemies parting ways. The wise man took a seat alongside the young man and spoke, “Permit me, son, to tell you a … Read more