Master Self-Discipline in 40 Days

Master self-discipline in 40 days? Well, mastery is a tall order, and to be realistic, mastery generally takes a lifetime, not 40 days. So perhaps a better title would be “Introduction to Self-Discipline in 40 Days.” But every master has his starting point, and I don’t know about you, but I could use a starting point in … Read more

Finding the Meaning in Manly Work

In Genesis, we first meet God when he is working; creating the universe. And after working for six days, he finally takes his rest on the seventh day and he sees the fruit of his work as “good.” From the very beginning, God shows us the unique dignity of work (and rest). He also shows … Read more

A Man’s Intellectual Journey to Catholicism

A man’s intellectual journey to Catholicism can be made in three fairly straightforward steps. Accompanied with the clarity of honest reason and the enlightenment of humble faith, the journey to Catholicism not only offers an intellectually satisfying destination, but it offers temporal and eternal contentment without doubt and (at the very least) a sound worldview that is … Read more

Are You Strong Enough?

Masculinity. Manliness. Macho. Muscles. Power. Strength. Are You Strong Enough? And very early on the first day of the week they went to the tomb when the sun had risen. And they were saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the door of the tomb?” Mark 16:2-3 Clearly, the … Read more