Calling the Redefinition of Marriage “Good”

What the world perceives as good is threatening to crumble the very foundation of our society and what it means to be created male and female. One of these false goods is the idea that the Redefinition of Marriage is something good. In this guide series installment, let us look at how our culture is embracing this idea as something good, when in fact it is … Read more

Three Things I’d Like to Tell Christian Grey

Christian Grey - Fifty Shades of Grey - Universal 2015

You are the epitome of our world’s twisted view of sex, sexuality, and manliness. You have been duped for a fake version of what sexual relationships are all about. You have fallen for the lie that you have control, but you’re living a fantasy in more ways than in your sexual desires. You think you’re … Read more

Calling Abortion “Good”

What the world perceives as good is painfully piercing into the very heart of what it means to be human. One of these false goods is none other than Abortion. In the first installment of this guide series, let us take a brief look at how secular and popular culture have twisted morality upside down, where the norm … Read more