“Preach the Gospel Always, and if Necessary, use Words”

It seems to me that the current trend is to disregard this quotation as inauthentic and misleading, rather than understand it for the truth that it conveys, especially for Catholic Gentlemen. In part, this may be because it has been overused and has become the popular mantra of modern-world Catholicism post Vatican II – I mean, … Read more

The Problem of Hypocrisy

“Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words…” Since scholarship shows that our beloved Saint Francis of Assisi did not likely utter these words, the origin of this quotation will probably forever remain unknown. The authenticity and impact of a quotation depends heavily upon who spoke the words, yet even without a known speaker, these … Read more

The Catholic Man Show!

Chances are that you’re like many men who struggle to find time to add spiritual content to their lives outside of Sunday Mass. We know we should make the time, but we don’t or can’t. Worry not, for all’s not lost. One of the most convenient ways  to nourish our spiritual lives out on the road … Read more

Calling Pornography “Good”

What the world perceives as good is painfully piercing into the very heart of our society and culture. One of these false goods is none other than Pornography. In this installment of our guide series, let us acknowledge the fact that our secular and popular culture have embraced a twisted and upside down perspective of human sexuality, where thanks … Read more

10+ Problems with Assisted Suicide

Assisted Suicide is not the solution to anything. There are just too many unspoken problems with Assisted Suicide. And while many of us might be quick to dismiss any arguments against Assisted Suicide, we may actually find that all it takes is a little clear thinking to realize that being in favor of Assisted Suicide … Read more